A sample of our Measurement, Learning Design and Program Evaluation work is described below.
Measurement & Assessment
Technical Advisory Council, Department of Education for Arkansas and Maryland - Served on the Technical Advisory Council for many years in Arkansas and continue to do so in Maryland.
MARC - Negotiated a contract with the State of Maryland to fund the Maryland Assessment Research Center to support all assessment work by the State. This Center has now been in operation for about 20 years.
United States Government, Census Bureau - Provided instruction on data analysis, use of micro-computers and survey and test design.
Washington County Schools - Provided support of performance assessment testing effort, gave workshop on performance assessment and potential problems, as well as help train teachers and supervisors on test construction.
TSA - Conducted job and task analysis to lead to personnel hiring and training improvement.
Learning Design
QuILTSS - Reviewed and revised online competency-based education courses for a healthcare workforce training organization. Ensured instructional design and CBE best practices.
New Market Ventures - Assisted the curriculum development of a set of EdX MOOCs in the area of Entrepreneurship. Worked with SME to identify the learning outcomes and develop content and assessments.
National Association of Trade and Technical Schools, Career Training Foundation - Developed a staff development document for using testing information to work with ability to benefit students.
Quinnipiac University - Conducted a competency-based education (CBE) training workshop for faculty laying the foundation for a transition to competency-based courses. The workshop covered CBE statements, CBE assessments, and career focused curriculum alignment.
Program Design and Evaluation
Harford County Public Schools - Conducted a three-year DOD education program evaluation where both formative and summative, qualitative and quantitative measures were employed.
University of Georgia - Created and ran a minority recruitment summer program in the psychology department.
Saint Louis Area - Conducted a 4-year evaluation of the voluntary inter-district coordinating council program on the court ordered integration of the area schools.
Internal Revenue Service - Developed a diagnostic computer-based testing system to increase efficiency of training effort.